Sunday, July 25, 2010

Focus on the right things~

I have been helping one of my follower to clear his doubts in the email so I might as well share this to all who visits my blog, I think this have happened to many people who are in the process of growing taller, I want you guys to know what to focus on and what not to, so read on.

First of all, it is very important that you put your energy to the right focus.

What to focus on?
- focus on your own beliefs
- focus on your day to day meditation work
- focus on preserving your energy

What not to focus?
- Other people results
- Other people opinions
- Your random thoughts
- The habit of checking your height that often because this will only discourage yourself when your confidence level is low

My point is, as long as you have the right mind set and just keep on doing your day/night mediation work, and have a belief that your day and night meditation work will help contribute to your growth, its that simple. Your energy should only focus on these simple things, and just be the normal you as you used to be during the day.

Do not worry about what others have said and have experienced, I know it feels good and inspiring to hear about others growing taller success, while its good to keep yourself motivated, but DO NOT be too concerned on what others have done towards their growing taller success, for example, they experienced pain before the growth does not necessarily mean you would experience the same kind of pain during your growth, they experienced pain after few weeks, or months of meditation does not mean you would experience the pain in the exact same time frame, some people eat a lot before their growth does not mean you have to eat lot like them in order to experience growth, you get my idea?

That being said, you could follow my meditation process or method, but do not be too concerned on how long it takes me to grow, when I experience pain, how much pain I experienced, and stuff like that, this will only discourage yourself, everybody is different, some people who practice Qi Gong might grow faster, some who don't may need longer time to see some result, however, if you have the right mind set and keep on doing your work without focusing on the wrong things, you will ultimately achieve your desired result, be patient, yes the key is to be patient.

So if you want to convince yourself to believe in your own ability, try to do something easier first, for example, to me, I think growing hair is easier than growing taller, so I decided to grow some sideburns and eyelid hair, I have succeeded in these area, so now I'm even more confidence in growing taller. So try to grow whatever you think is easier first if you need something to convince yourself, then proceed to growing taller.

hope this helps.

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